Monday 28 January 2013


Got the paperwork back from our LTB hearing which took place on the 22nd.

We won - and the adjudicator STILL  managed to make sure it was us that lost.

Not only did he make a statement in the order that John - her partner who has lived there full time since May 2012 and who had a SIGNED LETTER OF INTENT TO RENT even - was not a tenant and therefore not liable and removed his name from the order (which means we will never see a fucking CENT), he also GAVE HER EXTRA TIME.

FFS!!!!  He was satisfied that she gave notice that she would be out by the end of November but he STILL thinks that due to her situation we should have to lose yet another month's rent which we will NEVER EVER SEE?

Must be nice to be so fucking charitable - with other people's money.

Anyone want to buy a house? Or two?

Wednesday 9 January 2013


Apparently ~someone~ thought that we were blowing smoke about the notices we've given her re: paying rent and cleaning up garbage and so on ...

stopped by to deliver notices of hearings for the two of them last night and she seemed surprised that there would be hearings on OUR issues. Imagine us objecting to not being paid rent since October! To being locked out of our own house! To having police called if we ~interfere with her enjoyment~ by using the central vac downstairs (and actually telling us to go away!). To receiving regular letters threatening fines from the town for the garbage collection she keeps.  To having to deal with threats and BS from a variety of officials she calls and lies to.

Clearly, we are just terribly unreasonable.

Funny though - I was there to serve her notice of the hearing about not paying rent and once again, in spite of her claim that she keeps TRYING to pay me, not a single cent offered.

She might have been surprised by the whole interaction - me, not so much.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Clearly, I must be absolutely out of my ever loving freaking mind. According to the dirt squirrel's application for a stay of the eviction, she never gave notice, AND she's been offering me money repeatedly and I just "refuse" to accept it.

Excuse me?

SHE GAVE NOTICE. SHE did not pay November's rent and told us to apply her last month's rent toward it.

and she has never ONCE offered a single blessed CENT in rent.

I just decided I'd like to throw $5000 + down the shithole for no good reason cuz I -clearly - am insane.

Surely to God the adjudicator at the Landlord & Tenant Board will use just a wee bit of common sense? 

Sure hope so!